Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nacho Mama’s Training Class

That is what I wanted to name the new training series that we developed at my employer, Perpetual Technologies ( Unfortunately, I couldn’t convince anyone to change their name to Nacho Mama, but I digress…

On August 22 and August 23, PTI is offering a two day workshop on SQL Server Performance and Troubleshooting. You can read more about it here as well as download a flier to share with your co-workers and friends.

I will be delivering three of the modules – “SQL Server Performance Analysis”, “Indexing for Performance”, and “Locks, Blocks, and Deadlocks”. Hope Foley (blog | twitter) will be delivering three modules – “SQL Instance Configuration”, “Basics of Database Maintenance” and “System Performance Analysis”. Arie (AJ) Jones (blog | twitter) will be delivering two of the modules – “Index Overview” and “Query Execution Plans”.

We’ve written original content for these sessions – all of it based upon experience from the front lines as we work with SQL Server on a daily basis. These couple of days promise to be exciting and full of SQL Server goodness.

If you are interested, you can get registration info here.

About Kyle Neier
Husband of a magnificent woman, father of 5, SQL Server geek,
IndyPASS Vice President and Food Guy, DBA automation zealot, amateur Powershell evangelist. Follow Me on Twitter

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